Year: 2004
Partner: Eduweb

More than a hundred lessons, simulations and exercises make this course our biggest e-learning project. Topics include functional analysis, geometry, algebra, set theory, statistics, etc.

Finding out the sine function's parameters.
Guessing the graphical representation of a complex set operation.
Classifying rectangles.

Year: 2004
Partner: Eduweb

Interactive simulations, demonstrations of forces, motions.

Business English
Year: 2003-2004
Partner: Eduweb

A Business English course for corporate use.

Interactive elements like several exercises, sound controls, evaluation animations etc.

Learning To Learn
Year: 2003
Partner: Eduweb

This course helps you to test and develop your abilities to learn, accept new situations, changes in your life. We have programmed many test and exercises, some examples follow.

A test of finding patterns in a mass of text.
A memory game - find the elements that have changed on your desktop.
A game to test your level of concentration: you have to find the numbers from 1 to 90 as fast as possible. Not as easy as it may sound.

Teaching children
Year: 2003
Partner: Eduweb

A course devoted to the art of teaching little children. The test of this course has a funny board game style.

Make the little boy to get to the school on time by giving the correct answers.